The Body - The Church
Christ is the head over all things to the church, which is his body (Eph 1:20-23). Christ as the head and the church as his body is a...
A Pure Heart (part 2)
Texts: Psalm 24:3-5; 1 Tim 1:5 Introduction: Review Part I (See Part 1 for details) A. A Pure Heart begins with Purity Of...
A Pure Heart
Who may be a worshipper of God? He who has clean hands and a pure heart! But, what does that mean, exactly?! Texts: Psalm 24 A. ...
Between the Testaments
Most Bibles have a blank page between Malachi and Matthew. What happened during the ~400 years that elapsed between the end of the Old...
To What are We Converted?
In Matthew 22:36-40, Jesus was asked a question by a "lawyer": “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?” 37 And he said to...
Gone Beyond Corinth
This lesson addresses the issue and danger posed by moral (immoral) pluralism, which says “I don’t do it; but it is OK with me that you...
The Devil's Design
Intro. 1 Pet. 5:6-11; A. Eph. 6:11: “Wiles;” B. 2 Cor. 2:11: “Devices” The Wiles of the Devil: I. To discredit...
Partakers of the Divine Nature
Introduction A. Common expression: “That’s human nature, according to nature,” etc. The natural (commonplace) thing to do. B. ...
Faith Demonstrated
Intro: Faith is demonstrated by your presence or absence in worship. A. Influence is always a part of what we do. B. ...
We Live by Faith
Faith is not the only thing involved in being a Christian; but the element of faith is a most significant thing. When you obeyed the...